Saturday, January 23, 2021

Mental Health

 This week our school community suffered a devastating blow when one of our own lost his battle with depression by taking his own life. 
family asked that we honor his memory by talking about mental health so I am dedicating my blog this week to mental health. 

There is such a negative stigma about getting help for our mental health but our mental health is just as important as our physical health. When we have a physical injury or ailment it is socially acceptable to go to the doctor to get it checked out but when we are hurting in an emotional or mental way we tend to suffer in silence and not go to the doctor.  As time goes on mental health is getting more attention, as it should, which is a great step in the right direction but we are nowhere near where we need to be. 

I struggled with low self esteem for years before I got help. YEARS!  When I say years I’m talking 20+ years!  I think of all that wasted time and wonder why. But I know the reason. Embarrassment. I remember hoping nobody I knew would see me going in or out of the office or happen to see my car parked outside while I was there. I even had cooked up an excuse if someone did see me... I was at yoga class which was also taught at the wellness center I went to. All because I was embarrassed to admit that I was talking through things with someone who is trained to help. I was embarrassed to admit that I had a mental illness. I never called it that. I always referred to it as low self esteem. This is the first time I’ve ever referred to it as a mental illness!

We are going through some very trying times and while many people are taking advantage of talking to a professional, there are many people who aren’t. My heart aches for those people. I want to tell those people that it doesn’t make you a weak person or crazy.  The fact that there is someone out there right now that is in so much pain and anguish that they feel like ending their life is the only way to make the pain go away is absolutely heart wrenching.  Nobody should ever feel like that. 

We have yearly physical exams but I think we should have yearly mental health exams as well. Until we do it is important to incorporate self care into your weekly activities. I know it can be hard to find time for you when you are busy with daily life but it is so important. You can only take care of others if you take care of you first so don’t neglect yourself.  I make sure that I find time every day to workout because it helps me feel better. It can be as simple as a walk listening to your favorite music or just enjoying nature. To do this I get up 45 minutes earlier than I would have to but it’s so important and it gets my day started on the right foot. I also try to take a relaxing bath weekly. Recently I have started stretching every night before bed. It helps me unwind, get all the kinks from the day out of my muscles and helps me sleep better. These work for me and you need to find what works for you. 

Sadly, this post will not bring our community member back but if it helps even one person out there to get the help that they deserve as a human being that is what is most important.  

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree with this more! I have a therapy appointment every week. DOn't know what I'd do without it!


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