Sunday, May 16, 2021

Against the Crowd

💁 Over the past year I have found myself wondering, why can’t I just be like everyone else?  Why can’t I just believe whatever the media is saying?  Why do I have to research things on my own and find out the real truth?  Why can’t I just be ok with losses of freedom and a totalitarian society because it is for the greater good?  A great majority of people in the country did and are continuing to do so. Even really smart people.  

I went along with the lockdown and the masking and the vaccine because it was what was expected of me by our society. I didn’t agree with any of it. I stated from the very beginning that these things are just putting a bandaid on the problem not actually dealing with the problem and here we are over a year later still doing the same things.  STILL not addressing the problem.

I am not an epidemiologist but basic biology from high school and college tells me that this virus is going to mutate. That’s what they do.  So what happens then?  Does the cycle repeat itself?  We go back into lockdown, masking and quarantining until the pharmaceutical companies come up with yet another vaccine to line their pockets?  

I am very nervous for the future. As a society we have already given the government total control to take away our freedoms whenever they see fit. All they have to say is that it is for the greater good. When is our society going to wise up and seek out the truth and demand that our government take action to actually SOLVE the problem?  

I guess I’m a conspiracy theorist. I prefer to think of myself as a realist. I am an educated person who realizes that politicians and journalists are not the most qualified people to be giving advice on a pandemic.  So I’m going to keep listening to the epidemiologists who are the experts (btw an immunologist is not an expert on pandemics although I would happily take advice from him on my son’s allergies or on an autoimmune disease) in pandemic situations.  Even though very few people seem to be. 

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