Saturday, February 26, 2022

Pure Imagination

 I am not a political person but as I sit here and watch history repeating itself I can’t help but be angry at our current political climate.  I am not a fan of war or getting involved in other people’s business but when people are depending on us or asking for our help and we just sit back and allow genocide to happen, that to me is unacceptable. In a few short months we have seen it happen in Afghanistan and now Ukraine.  Something has to change but what and are we too far gone?  

The following is my political utopia.  So, in the words of Willy Wonka, come with me and we’ll see a world of pure imagination.  I want to live in a world where I can trust government officials. Where there are no political parties and therefore, no across the aisle fighting. Where government officials do what they think is right and not what a political party, or a donor tells them to do.  I want to live in a world where political donations aren’t needed. Where potential government officials fill out an application explaining their positions and those applications are made public. Then a series of interviews are conducted and aired on TV so the public can pick the best candidate. No slanderous commercials or election signs everywhere. Just the candidate and their beliefs. 

I want to live in a world where every other commercial I see on TV is not for a pharmaceutical drug.  I want to live in a world where drug companies want to help the citizens, not get them hooked on opiates. Where, the Food and Drug Administration protects the citizenry from harmful foods and drugs and doesn’t accept money or jobs from businesses to okay their products. Don’t think that happens now?  I encourage you to do some research.  I was surprised and saddened by what I found and I think you will be too.  

I want to live in a world where doctors are encouraged and given enough time to help their patients.  Where they have enough time to find the real problem instead of just enough time to treat the symptoms.  I want to live in a world where people don’t have to lose everything they own to pay medical bills.  Where nobody has to make a choice between feeding their family or paying their bills.  Where nobody has to feel so much fear or despair that they have to turn to illegal activities to support or protect their families.

I want to live in a world where people in need are not just given money to get them through or a permanent handout but given access to education and training that they want and need to succeed.  I want to live in a world where everyone is treated equally.  Where no one person is better than anyone else.  Where nobody has to live in fear of the police or anyone else.  

I want to live in a world where there is no censorship.  Where we can use books as a way to look through a window into a world that we don’t understand to help develop empathy and talking points to heal and educate the younger generations.  I want to live in a world where ALL science is considered and social media doesn’t censor scientific experiments that go against the popular vernacular.  As a side note here, I saw a meme recently that said something to the effect that all scientists agree when the ones that don’t are censored.  Science is about experimentation.  If all scientists agree, we need to question that because that is NOT how science works.  

I want to live in a world that is not controlled by those with the most money.  Where the media reports the truth, not what the folks in charge want the public to hear.  

This is my utopia but I fear that we are too far gone to ever achieve even half of what is in my list.  The status quo is not working anymore.  The leadership in our country ALL has to go.  We need to get a new breed of leaders that put our needs as the populace ahead of their own financial needs.  

What a wonderful world that would be!

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