Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Trying Times

 I work in a high school library. Our school district decided that we would try in person school for those students who wanted to be in school. For the past 3 weeks I have been back at work and it has been so great. We have taken MANY precautions and I feel safe being back. The interactions with colleagues and students have been fantastic. Everyone is just happy to be back and have a small slice of normal in their lives. I also live in a college town. With more people now in residence our daily positive COVID-19 numbers have increased. Closing school is now on the table. 

I’m scared of losing my job or being furloughed or losing my health benefits. I’m also worried about going back to being at home with not much to do yet again. I worry about the students as well. While I am concerned about myself, my biggest concern is always for the students I serve.  They are the most important part of the equation.  I feel like I must do what is best for them no matter how it impacts me.  

The problem is that I don’t know what is best for them.  I feel like our community is at war.  Everyone has something to say and it seems like it is all about furthering their own agenda.  The students and what is best for them seems to be getting lost in the shuffle.  This makes me so sad.  

I don’t have an answer but the more interaction I have with the students at school the more I see that they are much wiser than their years.  Maybe we should ask them.  Seems to be something our community hasn’t considered.  None of us has the answer no matter how much some believe that they do.  The opinions of our kids might be the breath of fresh air we need.

1 comment:

The Leavers

 I love to read diverse books. It gives me the opportunity to learn about another culture or another way of life. I get a chance to look thr...