Saturday, September 5, 2020

Everyday Joys

 I’m not going to lie. This year has been tough, probably for most of us. It seems that every issue is polarizing. It has been so easy to find yourself in a debate on any topic. Many people seem to have something to say and seem to think that they have all the answers.  They also don’t mind telling you what to do.  You can find yourself down the rabbit hole in the blink of an eye. 

So to rid myself of this madness and keep my mind right I’m going to focus on paying attention to the every day joys all around me. Yesterday I started my day by moving my body to celebrate what my body can do and to build strength to ensure that I can continue to move my body well into the future. I also found joy in harvesting my first pumpkin from the seeds I planted in May. 

Today, I took a walk and reveled in the beautiful, blue sky and the bright sunshine on my face. I enjoyed the soft breeze with the feel of fall on it. Now, I am enjoying the smell of the first apple crisp of fall baking in my oven.  All such small things but things that will help to keep me grounded and my head in the right place when things get crazy around me. 

As we head into the last quarter of this crazy year, I encourage you to slow down and enjoy the small, everyday joys all around you because you never know what craziness is just around the corner. 

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