Saturday, March 20, 2021

I Made A Mistake

 Why is it so hard for most of us to admit that we were wrong or we made a mistake?  Is it because it makes us feel like a a failure or makes us seem like less of a person in front of our peers?  Most people are more than willing to make excuses or blame things on others instead of admitting we were wrong.  Has this become so commonplace that most of us just expect it or when we refuse to admit our mistakes does it make others think less of us?  

I grew up in a household where one person was always right which meant that the rest of us were always wrong.  So I learned early on to just take the blame.  I will admit that I am wrong and apologize for it even if I’m not.  It makes me feel like a sap.  That is the opposite extreme and not healthy to do.  I’m working on not doing that but I do still want to admit when I make a mistake.  It is a very slippery slope but something I need to do. When someone admits that they are wrong I always admire and trust them more.  

To err is human so if we never admit our mistakes, what does that say about us?  We are now one year into the pandemic. It was an unprecedented situation that none of us could ever have anticipated. We all have been trying our best but I’m sure all of us have made mistakes or said something we shouldn’t have because we were scared.  I know I sure have.  With the hindsight and knowledge gained in the last year, do you have the courage to admit your short falls from this past year and make amends or are you still playing the blame game?

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